Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Careers Description

Administrator An administrator has the title role in a company and is the one who reports to the board of directors. An administrator should be a good planner and has to overlook all the important details required for the functioning of a workplace.

Agronomist This would mean a person who is qualified in all respects and has the responsibility to inspect crops and other factors associated with the same.

Astronomer An astronomer is a person who studies astronomy, which includes the study of astronomical objects.

Auditor In financial accounting, an auditor has to assess the financial systems of the company. An audit is performed to evaluate certain information required by the company and the auditor has to maintain the accounts for the company.

Archaeologist An archaeologist deals with the excavation of old sites that would reveal about the culture and history of a place. This is done through extensive documentation and analysis. Read more about archaeology.

Architect An architect is one who plans and designs the layout of buildings or complexes. He/she should conform to the basic rules to create innovative, but safe designs.
Astrologer An astrologer is a person who predicts the future by studying the various planetary positions. Read more about astrology.

Builder A builder is one who accepts contracts from other parties to build or renovate/repair buildings, roads or any other structure. Such a person is the one who deals with providing all the materials and labor help required till the completion of the project.

Car Designer A car designer is one who needs to be creative and should be able to sketch the models, keeping in mind the entire process from manufacturing to the development of the product.

Cardiologist A cardiologist is one who treats all the disorders of the heart.

Cartoonist Animated cartoons and cartoons in print are in great demand. A cartoonist can illustrate for serious editorial content or even for comic books.

Chef A chef has the job of maintaining a professional kitchen and looking after all the tasks and the cooks employed for the preparation of the dishes.

Chemical Engineer A chemical engineer is involved in activities related to raw materials' conversion in chemical processing industry. He/she has to keep a check on the operation of the plant.

Choreographer A choreographer composes the various dance sequences required in the entertainment industry. This could be for any form of dance.

Comedian A comedian’s primary aim is to make an audience laugh. Stand-up comedians are different from clowns, where the latter uses costumes and make-up to don a funny image.

Computer Engineer A computer engineer has knowledge of electrical engineering along with knowledge of computer science. Such an engineer gets exposure to software and hardware design. The career options in this field are wide.

Computer Programmer A computer programmer stands for a professional who writes the computer software. Here, he/she can be a specialist in a particular area of programming. The person would be required to write the code base of a computer program. Read more about list of computer programming languages.

Consultant A consultant is one who has extensive knowledge of a particular subject and can work for a firm or even be self-employed. In this case, clients come to a consultant for accurate advice on the subject.

Correspondent A correspondent is one who writes or reports for a publication or television channel from a far-off location. This gives an organization ‘live news’ from the particular location.

Cosmetologist A cosmetologist is one who is specialized in beauty treatments. He/she can turn beauty advisor on various subjects related to hair care and skin care and should know the latest techniques employed. Read more about cosmetology education.
Civil Engineer An engineer who is trained in the design and construction of public work projects is termed as a civil engineer. He/she has to deal with all issues related with the site work including the maintenance as well.

Coach A coach is one who has the primary role of developing individuals in any given field. Personal coaching in terms of sports or even health is very much in vogue these days.

Costume Designer A costume designer creates all the costumes that are required in the entertainment industry (films and theater). He/she has to know the characters created by the writer and work in co-ordination with the entire team.

Cryptographer A person who has all the knowledge of codes is called a cryptographer. This person is an expert at cryptology, which means the knowledge of cracking codes and can also hide information with the creation of complex codes.

Dancer The term dancer can represent a person who knows any form of dance, but is a specialist in this field. Such a dancer may have his/her own institute to teach the art or even may prefer to be a choreographer. Some dancers may prefer to play the role of a dance instructor.

Dermatologist A dermatologist is a doctor who deals with the treatment of any kind of skin-related problems.

Designer A designer needs to be creative. Designers mainly need to draw their basic plans. A designer can mean a fashion designer, costume designer, graphic designer, jewelry designer, landscape designer etc.

Detective A detective can either work privately or operate with a police force. He/she is a professional who assists in all types of investigations.

Dietitian A dietitian is one who advises people on their diet routine for good health. He/she is an expert in the area of food and nutrition.

Diplomat A diplomat is a person who represents the government. This official is one who does all the international negotiations and helps to develop a relationship between countries.

Director A director can refer to many fields. In the field of arts, it could be a film director, music director or a theater director. It can even be an executive director in terms of business.

Disc Jockey Disc jockeys can play in select clubs. In certain cases, a disc jockey may add a unique touch to the music with his/her own inputs.

Doctor (Ph.D.) A Ph.D. is a must for any person who wishes to specialize in a field of study. It is also mandatory for a person who wishes to follow a career in teaching.

Doctor (MD) A doctor (MD) is a person who practices medicine. He/she is well-versed with the latest techniques involved in medical care.

Demographer A demographer is a person who studies demography. Demography is all about studying statistics with relation to population. Such an analysis can be in relation to education, religion, nationality etc.

Dentist A dentist treats all sorts of disorders related to the oral care. A dentist is also assisted by other specialists to aid him/her in these various procedures. There are many specialization areas in the field of dental care.

Dramatist A dramatist is a person who writes plays or drama.
Ecologist This term would mean a scientist who studies environment and factors associated with it. This would mainly include the organisms and plants. Read more about ecology issues.

Economist An economist is an expert in economic theories. Economists can find a range of fields to specialize in.

Editor An editor can be related to various fields. In print media, an editor is the one who decides the entire planning of the publication. He/she manages a team of writers, designers and sub-editor. A sub-editor is one who edits the copy filed by the writers, which is scanned by the editor.

Environmental Scientist An environment scientist has to study biological as well as physical aspects concerned with the environment. For example, soil and water chemistry and all the other subjects related to the air, water and soil quality. Here’s more about environmental science.

Estate Agent Estate agents can form an agency that deals with the sale of real estate property. Estate agents are the ones who co-ordinate between buyers and sellers.

Ethnologist An ethnologist is someone who studies ethnology. Ethnology deals with the study of the origins of a particular ethnic group. Such a person needs to have interest in the cultural diversity and human history.

Ethologist An ethologist is a scientist who studies ethology, which is very different from ethnology. Ethology is all about studying the behavior of animals. A student in this case, needs to have the desire to study all about the animal world and their behavior patterns.

Electrical Engineer An electrical engineer has the knowledge of the practical applications required in this field. He/she may have to deal with the applications of electricity and electromagnetism.

Entrepreneur An entrepreneur is responsible for his/her own venture and has full understanding of the business. He/she is also the one who takes the entire financial responsibility. Read about entrepreneurship.

Farmer Farming involves growing crops or raising animals, which are sold in the market. In the recent times, organic farming is gaining attention worldwide.

Fashion Designer Fashion designing consists of many categories. There are many designers who create ready-to-wear or even haute couture. One can work as a freelancer with fashion boutiques or even create one's own label. Read all about fashion.

Film Producer A film producer is one who controls and co-ordinates the making of a movie. He/she has takes some of the major decisions in the making of the film.

Forensic Scientist This type of career has several other branches and is specially used to solve various legal affairs. He/she can be an expert in finding evidences through DNA fingerprinting or even tracing clues from soil or mineral substances. Read more about forensic science.

Financial Advisor A financial advisor is one who gives a person advice on financial planning and briefs about the investment plans and the profits and benefits involved. Read more about investment advisors.

Flight Instructor Flight instructors are those people who are employed by companies to teach all the things related to flying aircrafts. Read more about airline jobs.

Game Designer Game designing as a career is flourishing with the wide usage of video games. A game designer is the one who conceptualizes and plans the content for the game. Read more about video games.

Geophysicist A geophysicist is a scientist who studies practical application of the principles of physics to know about the various properties of earth. (This can include gravitational, magnetic or even seismic methods.)

Graphic Artist A graphic artist or a graphic designer is one who has studied graphic arts and is qualified to work in the print media or even the electronic media. He/she can take up various other branches of art or advertising.

Guitarist A guitarist can play solo or with a group. There are many techniques involved in playing the guitar and one can opt to specialize in the same.

Gynecologist A gynecologist has surgical knowledge and has to deal with all the cases that arise with the female reproductive system and women’s health related issues.

Genealogist Genealogists study the history of a family and have the knowledge to obtain information with relation to the ancestry of a family. Read more about genealogy.

Geologist Geologists have the primary task to study the various structures of the earth. He/she can find many areas of specialization. Here are more articles about geology.

Hairstylist Hairstyling has turned out to be a lucrative career option. There is a great demand for expert hairstylists, especially in the entertainment industry. He/she should be innovative and should know about the latest trends. Look out for more articles on haircut styles and ideas.

Historian A historian is a person who is well-versed with history. He/she has full knowledge of historic events.

Host/Hostess A host presents a program on a television channel, at a live event or even on radio (radio jockey). He/she has the prime responsibility of connecting with the audiences.

Illusionist Illusionists or magicians entertain people with their magic acts or creation of a situation, which seem impossible to believe.

Illustrator An illustrator is one who draws for publications or works with the advertising industry. He/she should know the basics of drawing and can freelance or work with a team.

Interior Designer An interior designer has understanding and practical skills about interior design. Interior designing is all about conceptualizing the interiors of any project, whether for homes or commercial complexes.

Jeweler A jeweler is a person who is specialized in all the know-how about jewelry. He/she is a trader or can even be one who creates the designs as well.

Journalist A journalist is a person who reports on the current issues for publications, television, radio or even the Internet. He/she has to write clear and concise copies that give the required details to the reader. Read more about journalism.

Judge A judge has to conduct trials in the courtroom and has the main task of declaring the sentence, whether innocent or guilty, for the accused.

Kinesiologist A kinesiologist studies the functions of the human body. He/she studies all about the science of human body movement. Here’s more about kinesiology.
Landscaper Landscaping is all about creating an artistic environment for a land area. (For example, a garden of a commercial complex.) In this case, one would need to come up with creative ways to modify the surroundings with the help of objects or artistic structures. Read more about landscape design.

Lyricist A lyricist is one who writes all the lyrics of a particular song.
Lawyer A lawyer is a professional who practices law and has the primary aim of achieving justice for his/her client. A lawyer can also practice in various areas to provide legal advice for the client.

Lecturer/Teacher A lecturer or a teacher works with educational institutes to train students in a particular subject. Read about teaching jobs.

Make-up Artist Make-up artists are very much in demand in the field of entertainment (acting, modeling etc). A make-up artist would need to know all the latest trends and create innovative techniques for new looks as per the demands of the fashion industry.

Martial Artist A martial artist is an expert trained in the field of martial arts.
Massage Therapist Of late, various new treatments being offered through massage are gaining prominence. Massage therapists are employed by special healthcare centers or one can even begin with private practice. Read more about massage therapy.

Mathematician A highly qualified person in the field of mathematics is known as a mathematician. Such a person is dedicated to this field and has to constantly research and analyze.

Mechanical Engineer A mechanical engineer has a deep knowledge about the various technicalities required in the manufacturing of mechanical systems.

Model Modeling is one of the most sought-after professions. A model can choose the area he/she wants to work in. It could be for fashion or even for advertising purposes. Here’s more about fashion modeling.

Mountaineer Mountaineering is an enjoyable sport and experts in this field are termed as mountaineers. Here’s more about rock climbing / mountaineering.
Muralist This is a branch of painting. Muralists only deal with the creation of paintings for the wall or the ceiling. Read more about mural painting.

Musician A musician primarily composes musical tunes. He/she may also refer to an expert who plays a particular musical instrument or even one who acts as the conductor for a musical group.

Meteorologist Meteorologists are scientists who specialize in meteorology.

Meteorology deals with the study of atmospheric and weather conditions.

Microbiologist A microbiologist is a scientist who has the knowledge of microbiology. There are various fields one can specialize in this category.

Medical Transcriptionist A medical transcriptionist is a person who is well-versed with all the medical terminologies and has to convert voice-reports into textual matter. This should be accurate and should encompass the necessary data.

Find more in articles about medical transcription.
News Presenter This person is mainly responsible for the presentation of news on television or radio.

Novelist A novelist is a person who writes novels.

Nurse A nurse has a very important job of assisting the doctor and has to help the patient as well. There are many areas one can specialize in this field.

Numerologist A numerologist is a person who is an expert in numerology.

Numerology is all about the connection of numbers and its relation with the lives an individual. Numerology is not actually a part of mathematics.

Numismatist Such a person deals with the study and collection of currency. This specially includes old coin collection.

Obstetrician An obstetrician is a doctor who is a specialist dealing only with pregnancy and childbirth related issues.

Ophthalmologist These doctors deal with the treatment of the eye. He/she would be a specialist in this regard.

Ornithologist An ornithologist refers to a person who studies birds. This is a branch of zoology.

Orthopedist Orthopedists are physicians who are trained to perform surgery and deal with injuries or deformities of the skeletal system.

Painter/Artist A painter or an artist is a person who paints as a form of self-expression. Such a person can hold exhibitions or even work on a freelance basis. Read about famous paintings.

Paleontologist Paleontologists are scientists who study about the past by careful examination of fossils.

Pathologist A pathologist is a doctor who is specialized to study the samples of body tissues or cells to determine about a disease. Read about forensic pathology.

Pediatrician Pediatrician is a doctor who specializes in the treatment and care of infants and children.

Pedologist This term represents a scientist who studies the composition of soil.

Percussionist A percussionist is a term used for a person who is an expert at playing percussion instruments.

Photographer Photography, as a career, has grown to magnificent proportions. A photographer can specialize in fashion, advertising photography, nature photography or even be a photojournalist.

Physiotherapist A physiotherapist treats people who have problems with the basic functional movement of their body. Physiotherapy is about identifying the problem and rectifying it through various processes. There are many branches of the same.
Plastic Surgeon This term represents a doctor who removes any form of disfigurement on the body with the help of modern methods. He/she would need to have advance knowledge about cosmetic surgery. Cosmetic surgeons are those people with the primary aim of beautifying a person’s body or face. Read more articles about plastic surgery.

Police Officers A police officer is a person employed by the police department. They have to deal with the prevention and detection of crime. There are many ranks in this field.

Psychiatrist This term represents a physician who deals with the treatment of mental disorders. Read articles on mental health.

Psychologist A psychologist studies the functioning of the brain and the behavior patterns of people. He/she spends time counseling people affected with various such problems.

Public Relations Officer A PR or a public relations officer is the one who helps the client have the perfect relation with the media. They are often the means of communication between the client and the media personnel.

Physicist Physicists are scientists who specialize in various branches of physics.

Physiologist This person is an expert in physiology. Physiology is about studying the various physical and mechanical functions of any living organism.

Reporter A reporter has the responsibility of investigating and reporting about various issues to the media group he/she is employed with. A reporter can either write or report (on television) about the particular news development.

Sailor/Navy Officers These mariners may assist in the operation and maintenance of a ship. There are many departments one can work in and various levels as well. Read about navy ships.

Scientist A scientist uses his/her intelligence and skills to study various phenomena and discover new results in the process. He/she can be an expert in various areas.

Screenwriter The screenwriter is responsible for the script of a film or television program.

Sculptor A sculptor creates a three-dimensional work, which could be realistic or abstract in its appeal. Read about some famous sculptors.

Software Engineer A software engineer uses his/her expertise to study the various developments of software and systems. He/she is responsible for the testing of the various software programs. Read about software development.

Stage Designer A stage designer should be able to grasp the main elements required for the backdrop of plays or film scene. Set or stage designers have to collaborate with the various members of the team to achieve the desired result.

Surgeon A surgeon is an expert who performs surgery. There are many specialized branches in surgery.

Swimmer Swimmers are people who generally participate in various sport meets on behalf of their country or even at state levels. They can also opt to train students in swimming at various institutes. Read about famous Olympic swimmers.

Singer A singer can sing for pleasure, but when done professionally, he/she can belong to a particular group, cut a solo album or opt for playback singing.

Sociologist A sociologist is person who is an expert in the field of human development. Sociology involves the study of various social relations and cultures that exist in the society.

Veterinarian A veterinarian, also known as vet, is a trained doctor who treats only animals. Read about veterinary schools.

Writer A writer is one who writes content (fiction or non-fiction). This could be in the form of books (authors), for publications (journalists), business writing, copywriting, creative writing, essay writing or even for the Internet that is, content writing. One can also try freelance writing.

Zoologist A zoologist is an expert in the field of zoology. Zoology is all about various studies related to animals.

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